Key Coin

Mobile App promo


  • Key Coin is a mobile application especially for modern city daily purchasing usage.
  • Campaign aim to encourage consumer to subscribe their app then can save and earn money on their daily buying behavior.
  • When you subscribe the app, as long as you buy something online then you can earn Key Coin points  and get discount for your next purchasing
  • 1 Key Coin point equal to 1 RMB

The Challenge

  • There are several apps like Meituan Group shopping discount they also focusing on money saving purpose, consumers have lots options to choose from.
  • Market is crowded and becoming very competitive. It’s not easy to stand out.
  • Compared with Group shopping direct discount, points accumulation short on attraction.



  • Traditional conception toward : spending money is a bad habit, but we’re going to reverse it.
  • Strong claim on : Spending money is making money.
  • When you spend on every coin but you can earn it back by your own purchasing.
  • Disruption toward traditional perception to change consumer behaviour.